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The Performances on the X-mas Party, 2009.

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Good afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen!

Hello Everybody!

Welcome to the seventh English Christmas party at Besi!

(every picture)

It's a great pleasure for us that so many people are interested in this party. In the first part of our special show we would like to enjoy the English, German? Italian and French performances. We hope that everybody will have a good time. We ask you to switch off your mobile phones, do not leave the hall during the scenes, to pay attention to each other and not to talk!!!.You are kindly asked to be quiet outside in the corridor as well!!!!

Thank you very much!

After the performances there is a small reception with some tea, pogácsa and szaloncukor in the Rooms 004 and 005.

We suppose you will enjoy the special karaoke at the end of our meeting & you will fancy trying it as well.

1. Let's begin our party with the performance of a ‘Boy Band'. The members of the group are: Gergő Csurka, Dániel Frisku, Dániel Józsi and István Varga! The title of their performance is: X-mas List!

2. The German Group of the 9th b is singing Jingle Bells, O Tannenbau and Stille Nacht. Szabolcs Virga is playing the piano. Let's listen to them!

3. The mixed group of 11th c and 11th e is going to sing a very famous song: I'm yours. They are playing the piano and the guitar as well.

4. The French Group of 10th is preparing for a French festival and they are dancing ‘for' VICTOIRE! Let's see their show!

5. A mixed group of 9this going to sing us a song entitled: All I want for X-mas is you.

6. Erika Martinovics and Orsolya Ungvári are going to sing us a German song: Sarrah Connor: Leise rieselt der Schnee.

7. The 9th f and the 9th g would like to wish Merry X-mas to everyone.

8. A mixed group of 9th is going to sing us a French song : Mon beau sapin.

9. The group of 11.c has quite a strange, little play about ‘Drunken X-mas'

10. The group of 10th b must love Britney Spears very much. They are going to perform one of her songs: My Only Wish

11. Now we are going to listen to a German song: Nena: Ich umarne die Welt performed by Kitti Major 9th e.

12. According to the 9th b it's X-mas Time.

13. The 9th c become very excited, When X-mas comes to town!

14. Let's listen to the first Italian song in the history of the X-mas party: Christina D'Avenna: Boun Natale, performed by a mixed group of 11th. !

15. A mixed group of the 9th is going to sing us two songs entitled: Let it Snow and Deck the Hall.

16. The 11th c is performing a play entitled: ‘Zolis überraschung'!

17. A mixed group of the 10th is Rocking around the X-mas tree.

18. A mixed group of the 12th d and the 12th g and another mixed group of the 10th f and the 10th g are going to sing us two choirs entitled: The season will never grow and Old winter wonderland. After that Nóra Varga is going to sing a song: All I want for X-mas is you.

19. Let's listen to Joe Dassin's Champs Élysées presented by a mixed French group!

20. The group of 9th e and 10th b is performing a short play entitled: X-mas mix!

21. I hope you're not too sleepy yet. The beginner group of the 9th a has a Wonderful Dream!

22. The 9th a is going to perform us a X-mas mix! Let's listen to them!

23. Let's listen to a marvellous song written by John Lennon performed by a mixed group of 10th: Happy X-mas (War is over)!

24. Life is quite boring alone so that's why Santa's looking for his wife! Let's see the play of the 12th b!

25. The 12th d is going to dance at My only wish! Let's see their show!

26. The 13th b is going to perform a short play entitled: Nativity Play in the 21th century!

27. The mixed group of the 11th f and 11th g is really interested in X-mas Carol Wonderland!

28. The 10th c is going to sing about Toyland!

29. Let's listen to Jingle Bells Rock presented by the 10th a!

30. The 10th a is going to dance and perform a short play entitled: Where is Santa?

31. And finally Santa is coming presented by the 12th a!

After the performance:

Now it's about high tea time so you are welcome to have some tea, pogácsa and "szaloncukor" in the rooms 004 and 005! The girls by the tables will help you.

After eating:

And now what would you say for some karaoke? You are kindly asked to choose English song and sing them in groups!

The very final step:

Thank you for being here and spending the afternoon together, I hope you've had a great and memorable time. We ask everybody having some more time to tidy up the hall and the rooms 004 and 005..GOOD BYE!


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